headEuroazjaAm EN 8


2019-08-27 Guayaquil Hogar de la Madre

Farewell to Panama - in the parish of St. Anthony of Padua - August 8, 2019 (fragment 3)

Farewell to Panama - in the parish of St. Anthony of Padua - August 8, 2019 (fragment 2)

Farewell to Panama - in the parish of St. Anthony of Padua - August 8, 2019

Chitré Panama - on the way to the cathedral - January 12, 2019

Chitré Panama in the monastery of St. Joseph Augustinian Sisters - 12 January 2019

Ecuador - the first moments of the Virgin Mary's visit to the Carmelite Sisters - April 10, 2017

Ecuador - Arrival in Santo Domingo - March 24, 2017 and March for Life the next day

Tijuana, B.C. Northern Mexico - May 2, 2015

Lech Kowalewski - The Holy Icon of Black Madonna of Czestochowa - Voice from American Czestochowa

Ewa Kowalewska - The Holy Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa - Voice from American Czestochowa

Ewa Kowalewska - Coordinator of the pilgrimage "From Ocean to Ocean" - Voice from American Czestochowa

The Black Madonna of Częstochowa w/ Fr. Peter West at ChurchMilitantTV

Our Lady of Czestochowa Icon in Ottawa - Photos by Pat and maureen - Ave Maria sung by The Priests

2014-03-18 St. Patrick Basilica Ottawa, Canada - Processional out of the Church to SCAVI

2014-03-18 St. Patrick Basilica Ottawa, Canada - Fr Peter West

2014-03-18 St. Patrick Basilica Ottawa, Canada - Homily Archbishop Terrence

2014-03-18 St. Patrick Basilica Ottawa, Canada - Procession with the icon

Fr. West Gives an Update on the Ocean to Ocean Pilgrimage - See more at: http://www.hliworldwatch.org/?p=2993#sthash.XkEIQOr0.dpuf
Fr. West Gives an Update on the Ocean to Ocean Pilgrimage - See more at: http://www.hliworldwatch.org/?p=2993#sthash.XkEIQOr0.dpuf

2014-03-17 Holy Mass in Montreal

February 25, report from KiiiTV news - Corpus Christie, Texas

St. Joseph's Church in Macon, Georgia - 2014-01-04 Homily of Fr Peter West

 EWTN Live - 2014-01-08 - Fr Mitch Pacwa with Fr Shenan J. Boquet and Fr Peter West

EWTN Daily Catholic Mass- 2014-01-08 Fr. Wade Menezes

Our Lady of Czestochowa in Charlotte N.C.

Our Lady of Czestochowa Visits New York City



2013-08-26 Prayer with the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa

Black Madonna Pro-Life Pilgrimage Across North America

Fr. Peter West Gives Update on Ocean to Ocean Pilgrimage

Information about the upcoming pilgrimage in America - an invitation

Russian film "From Ocean to Ocean"



Spain - Jerez

Spain - Cádiz

Spain - Cádiz, Ceuta

Spain - Benalup-Casas Viejas

Spain - Mairena del Alcor



Spain - Valladolid - 02.01.2013

Spain - the first day - 15.12.2012

Our Lady of Czestochowa in Chiswick 6 Nov 2012

Procession of the Black Madonna in Brussels

Czech Republic - 31.8.2012, Brno


 Czech Republic - 30.8.2012, Brno


 Czech Republic - 29.8.2012, Praga



Czech Republic - 28.8.2012, Hradec Králové


 Czech Republic - 27.8.2012, Olomouc


 Czech Republic - 26.8.2012, Ostrava



Poland - Warsaw

Poland - Bydgoszcz

Poland - Gdańsk


 Poland - Sokółka

Latvia - Riga - night vigil

Belarus - Homel



Belarus - Grodno




[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aP_lmjQGpzc align:center]

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXr9Sp6uUSs&feature=player_embedded align:center]


With Czestochowa icon in defense of life