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On Wednesday evening, February the 6th, the Mother of God in Her Częstochowa Icon stopped in Damiel. It is known for the national park called las Tablas de Daimiel. Among the splendid nature of La Mancha there are many lakes keeping the water levels stable and many marshes which are regularly flooded thanks to the complex hydrological system connecting the lakes to the rivers of Guadiana, Ciguela, Zancara and Riansares.

The 2000 hectares of the National Park de Daimiel there exist ideal living conditions for innumerable water birds, which have nests here and have a rest after their long journeys.

The Częstochowa Icon arrived in the enclosed convent Convento de las Minimas. It was difficult to find the way to the convent so the driver and the custodian of the Icon got lost. And then a woman met them (as they said, it was not them that met her but she met them). It turned out she was Polish and waiting for the visit of the Icon. She showed them the right way to the convent. After the welcome they were directed to the parish church in Daimiel, where the Holy Mass was celebrated at 8 PM.

After the Holy Mass and a solemn procession the local people carried the Icon back to the convent. The Sisters adored the Mother of God throughout the night.

On Thursday morning  the Holy Mass was celebrated and the Icon was bidden farewell. One of the people who carried the Częstochowa Icon was the same Polish woman who had met the “Life Mobile” and shown the way. The care-takers of the Icon called her “their guarding angel”.

At 10 AM on Her way to Madrid the Mother of God went to the town of  Talavera de la Reina.