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Testimony of Yolanda Poveda Burgos and her husband Evandro de Oliveira: As a background, I had already gone through two pregnancies, but unfortunately between 9 and 12 weeks of gestation the babies died.
I went to confession with Fr. Raniero Marincioni, pastor of María Reina parish. On that day, August 10, 2019, it was 9 weeks into the gestation of our third baby. I felt so anguished and with so much sadness in my heart without knowing if this baby would live, since being completely asymptomatic cases, it would not be possible to know until medical examination.

Father Raniero gave me three pieces of advice; one of them was to ask him for the anointing of the sick. The next day I returned to the parish and I was pleasantly surprised that the Icon of the Virgin of Czestochowa was being displayed on the altar, and it was there with Her. Father Raniero gave me the blessing and consecrated the baby to the Virgin. At that moment I was another person, my anguish and fears completely disappeared, and with a calm and confident heart I knew that everything would be fine.

After that day everything changed during my pregnancy, examination after examination we saw how the baby developed with absolute normality. Later we learned that the it is a girl and in honor of the Virgin we decided to call her first name, María.

In week 24 I had a bleeding. With my medical record, the doctor who was handling my case recommended that I stay in bed until the next day before they treat me. Father Raniero again came to help us, brought communion for me and prayed with us. Confident we went to the doctor and the physical consultation. There was no trace that something had happened. The doctor's surprise was so great that she told us, "If I hadn't seen the photos that you sent me of the bleeding, I couldn't say that something happened."

Since that day there was never any reason to be concerned. All the doctors who accompanied us from the previous check-ups to the surgery stated that they had not met a patient with such calm and tranquility.

I can tell I knew in my heart that everything would be fine. It was thus that in honor of the Virgin and a saint we love we named our daughter: María Inés.

The day that Our Lady of Czestochowa visited the María Reina parish, they gave us a picture with her image, since then, we have it on our family altar reminding us that with Her we will always be well.



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