In the afternoon, on Wednesday, February 27th, Our Lady of Częstochowa arrived in Avila (Ávila de los Caballeros) – the capital of the province of Avila in central Spain, in the region of Castilia and Leon in the Castillian Mountains. St. Theresa the Great was born here.
The first place to visit was the shrine of Our Lady of Sonsoles, the patroness of the city of Avila. The image of Our Lady cherished here has a very interesting history. During the wars with the Moors it was hidden and thanks to that it was not destroyed. However nobody remembered about it. One day shephards found a small grotto and when they entered it they were amazed to see the image of the Virgin Mary. Enchanted by Her sweet look they shouted with joy: What beautiful eyes! Son soles – they are like suns! And this is how the name of the Mother of God originated – Our Lady of Sonsoles.
Avila is situated 1128 metres above the sea level and that makes the climate colder. It was frosty and there were about 5 cm of snow.
The next place to visit was the campus of the University of Mysticism which is located near the Convent of Wielenia, where St. Theresa was Mother Superior. The guide was a Polish woman, Jolanta. The Icon was placed in the university chapel to make it possible for the students and professors to contemplate Her presence.
Unfortunately the visit was short as on the same day in the evening the Mother of God was expected in Salamanca.