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On March 7, the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa was driven in her “life mobile” with the flags of Portugal, through the streets of Fatima. It was then taken to the Shrine of Fatima and placed in the Little Chapel of the Apparitions, at the spot where Virgin Mary of Fatima appeared to the shepherd children Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, in 1917.

For the first time, the Icon of the Black Madonna that is on peregrination for the defense of life was placed side by side with the statue of Our Lady of Fatima, Queen of the Rosary. They will meet again at the same place in a month time, on April 7.Fatima 4

Between 5pm to 7pm, the Icon was exposed for veneration of the faithful and the Rosary for Life was recited in coordination with the World Apostolate of Fatima and the Portuguese movement “Prayer Chain for Life”. Although it was a rainy evening, many people came to pray in the Fatima Shrine and many other followed the Rosary prayer through the internet, radio and television.

After that celebration, the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa was taken to the chapel of the “Consolata Missionaries” in Fatima, where, during the weekend, various celebrations will take place to venerate Our Lady and pray for Life and for the Families.