headEuroazjaAm EN 8


The altar on wheels, the "Life Mobile ", which was hastily built over the past three months, arrived in Latvia. Our Lady of Czestochowa can now travel comfortably and safely under the cover of reinforced glass-windows.

The final touches took extra time.

We yet had to wash the glass, install flowers and the folding construction for the tarpaulins, which was necessary because of the long journey. In the end we left after an 8-hour delay and safely reached Kaunas in Lithuania, without incident but not until about 5 in the morning - says Ewa Kowalewska, who along with her husband, Lech escorted the new altar on wheels.

In the evening we were in Riga. If it was not for the help given by the great seminarians of the Riga seminary, we would not have managed. For three hours together we disassembled the construction and cleaned the altar of dust and sand. On a gravel road detour we probably collected 10 kg of sand. Diana and Anita, who coordinate the pilgrimage in Latvia, already exhausted from three days of the pilgrimage, joined us in arranging flowers, and washing and cleaning the windows and banners. We were dead tired, but in the morning the altar was ready to go. The icon was placed in the base, which survived the Siberian roads in good condition. Lighted and decorated with flowers - it looked great.

As we drove with the altar in the center of Riga, we saw the amazement of people. Crowds came to the churches to meet the Mother of God. People cried, touched the icon with their prayers and personal requests, expressing their faith and devotion to Mary. We watched as a teenage boy discreetly came up to the altar on wheels, looked around to see if anyone was watching him and with great reverence kissed the altar. It really was touching.

To all who helped us in building this altar on wheels, the "Life Mobile", offering your gifts from the heart - a very, very sincere thank you. We get letters in which you express support for this work and send donations, often giving up many needed personal things so that Our Lady could travel in a beautiful altar in Poland and the world. God bless you all!

But we have a request for further assistance. Unfortunately, the altar cost us more than we initially estimated, although it was made virtually at cost. We need about 3600 PLN more. We very much count on help from you, friends! This can be done through the Foundation, Friends of Human Life Club. More information on the side bar.

Please view the pictures of how beautiful this looks - says Ewa Kowalewska - coordinator of the pilgrimage in Europe.