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Our Lady of Czestochowa in Her Icon visited the Nazareth School and shared two weeks with students, from Saturday August 18 to Sunday September 2. The students had the opportunity to contemplate and pray in front of the Icon in the chapel of the institution.

The international coordinator of the Pilgrimage "From Ocean to Ocean", Lech Kowalewski, in his visit to Ecuador, was able to explain to the high school students the history of the icon the Queen of Poland, but above all and in more detail the meanings contained in the Icon of the Black Madonna.e2 All left with a prayer card printed by the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo with the prayer of St. John Paul II from his encyclical Humanae Vitae and the Icon.

During the two weeks that Our Mother was in the chapel of the Nazareth School, groups of students came to visit her every day. They all went to Her with a pray. The Catholic religion teacher explained to them the language of the Icon while they listened with great attention and kept those teachings in their hearts as the faithful sons of Mary.

On Sunday, August 27, there was a big event. The School celebrated the Day of the Family with a outdoor Holy Mass. The Icon of Our Lady was present as a special guest. After the Eucharist, many approached Her to take a photo and pray.

For Fr. Giovanni Alava, this experience was a good opportunity to know more about the Mother of Our Savior, since not being accustomed to representations of Mary in the form of an icon, this one attracted a lot of attention and that is why everyone wanted to get closer.