The Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa traveling through the world on January 12, 2019 arrived from the capital of Panama to Chitré.
It is a city located at the base of the Azuero peninsula, about 7 km from the coast of the Panama Bay (from the Pacific side), distant from the capital about 250 km - about 3 hours by highway.
On January 18-19, the Icon will come back with Polish youth to the capital of Panama. She is to be present at the "Marifest", Festival of Marian Songs, which will take place in the parish of Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza (Our Lady of Hope). The rector of this parish is a brother of Fr. Francesco Verara, head of the Catholic television FETV and on the nomination of the local archbishop the custodian of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Panama. The festival is to end on January 21.
Negotiations on the visit of the Czestochowa Icon on the "Dar Młodzieży" are ongoing. This frigate is to moor in the port of Panama on January 21.
Parish of St. Łukasz is seeking the presence of the Icon from January 22 to 25. There will be meetings of Polish youth there, at the end of which the First Lady of Poland - Agata Kornhauser-Duda announced her presence.
January 25 The icon is to return to the Carmelites fathers to the church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen in the center of Panama.
The World Youth Meeting with Pope Francis will be January 22-27.