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According to tradition, this is the oldest written image of Our Lady. She is also known as the protector of life and the victor in battles. Invoked in difficult times, she never abandons those who ask for her intercession.

The love of Pope John Paul II, also Polish, is well known. He always meditated and prayed in front of the Black Madonna in Jasna Góra and lived by his motto: “Totustuus ego sunt, Maria, et omniamea tua sunt”, which means: “I am all yours, Mary, and all that is mine is yours”. He demonstrated his love and devotion from the beginning of his Pontificate, even adding an additional mystery to the rosary, the Luminous Mystery.

It is with great joy that we will receive in Brazil the replica of Our Lady of Czestochowa, prepared and written by Ewa H. Kowalewska,  for the Ocean to Ocean pilgrimage that has been going on for many years; and is currently in Ecuador under the care of Father Leon Juchniewicz. In Brazil, She will be received by Bishop Zdzisław Stanisław Blaszczyk and accompanied by Lech Kowalewski who, with his wife Ewa, has been organizing the website www.fromoceantoocean.com since the beginning.

The website contains reports of where Our Lady passes, of people who venerate her and ask for her intercession to win individual, local and national battles. She is always joyfully transported from city to city, diocese to diocese, parish to parish and from congregation to congregation, Christian or non-governmental groups and organizations, always with faith and fear, aware that She, the Black Madonna, never abandons us, always intercedes for the defense of life from conception, fertilization, until natural death, and for the defense of ethics, Christian morals and Catholic doctrine. In the book written by Taylor Galdwel, about the story of Luke: Doctor of Men and Souls, cites more than a thousand references about the life of Luccano, Lucas, the son of a freed slave, who studied medicine and who, during his studies, revealed a talent for painting. This is one of the many reasons why it is traditionally believed that the Icon of Our Lady was written by Saint Luke, so much so that October 18th is celebrated as Doctor's Day and Painter's Day, since the patron saint of doctors and painters is the same,St. Luke.

Another reliable reference is that Luke's writings in his gospel about Mary's pregnancy and Jesus' childhood are very well reported, since Luke took the information directly from Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and the details of the Icon (image) are of splendid interpretation. Both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches have venerated Our Lady since their beginnings through Her Icon, which is the Image in Likeness of God, the most sublime, due to Her proximity and being the Immaculate Conception, since Her conception, and She is a Saint, because She reveals Her Son in the depths of Her womb from Her FIAT, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38), responding to the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel.

Brazil is now entering the pilgrimage itinerary of her Image (Icon), in this Jubilee year, demonstrating God's Merciful Love for the Brazilian People. We are pilgrims of Hope and Love, celebrating the 2025th anniversary of Christ, the Son of God, God the Son, and carrying the Icon in our arms, singing glory, in the land of the Holy Cross, venerating Mary, in so many denominations, especially Our Lady of Aparecida.

How wonderful it is to receive, meditate and evangelize ourselves directly with Our Lady through this marvelous Icon, beautiful and beloved by the entire Church, both heavenly and earthly, in all the countries through which it passes, where the ground becomes even more sacred, because She who is the tabernacle, the most divine sanctuary, The Ark Of The Covenant, is the true holy ground, which carried Jesus in her maternal womb. Yes, the humility of Mary is contemplated in the Black Madonna, in all Her details, even with signs of suffering on Her face, it is what brings us serenity and peace, so let us place all our trust in Her, Mary intercessor, magnificat in everything. In all countries, we learn that under Her Sacred Mantle, with love and zeal, respect and devotion to the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Black Madonna, we will always be Her beloved children. We would like to thank Human Life International for organizing the pilgrimage, which has already been documented in several languages, see the website www.fromoceantoocen.com, and for providing us with the joy of Our Lady, the Black Madonna, visiting Brazil, so that we Brazilians can better know Our Lady and follow her example: “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord.”

Talmir Rodrigues,
Christian, Married and Doctor
Representing Ocean to Ocean in Brazil.

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