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Awakening a great interest of the local residents, the Life Mobile brought the Icon of Our Blessed Mother from Kežmark to Mount Zvir in Litmanova, on Wednesday - the 5th of August.  The name of Mount Zvir comes from the Slovak word "zwor," which means connection.  This old symbolic name is associated with the spiritual link of people who are making a pilgrimage to Our Lady. 

This is a holy place for the Slovaks today since the time of Our Lady's apparitions received by two local children – Katka Ceselkova (11 years old) and Ivetka Korcakova (12 years old).  These apparitions continued until the year 1995 and occurred every first Sunday of the month, about 4 km from Litmanova, just at Mount Zvir.  Today, numerous pilgrims arrive at this destination in order to pray, even though the apparitions are still being investigated by the Holy See. 

Large numbers of the faithful came to meet Our Lady, despite of this being a weekday.  The local Greek Catholic priest, Vasil Kindla, welcomed the Icon of Our Lady and celebrated the Liturgy of the Eucharist on the holy Mount Zvir.  He reminded the gathered that Our Blessed Mother suffers together with every murdered human.  He asked Our Lady to allow us to take the love of Her Immaculate Heart and engage actively in the cause for life.

The next place of Our Lady's visitation in the Icon of Czestochowa was the Basilica of St. Egidia, which dates back to the Middle Ages, in the town of Bardejov.  The basilica was literally "packed" with people.  The Dean, Fr. Pavol Marton brought the Icon into the church and made a half-joking remark that it used to be that Mary would stay in the back, now "She" is in the center of the church, and we come to Her to ask for help.  He said:  "Slovakia needs Mary.  Let us pray to Her for help now, when Europe has to decide whether "to be or not to be."

Next, Our Lady arrived at the basilica minor of The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Vranov nad Topľou, belonging to the Slovak Pauline Fathers.  Fr. Piotr (Peter) Polek – II Definitor of the Pauline Order headquartered in Jasna Gora, Poland.  Fr. Polek celebrated the Eucharist and gave the homily, during which he emphasized the fact that Our Blessed Mother in the Icon of Czestochowa is Mother not only for the Pauline Fathers or the Polish nation, but for people of good will in the whole world.  She unites all the nations and religions.  She teaches us true freedom.  Father Peter, talking about the importance of taking an active part in the protection of the life of the unborn or the elderly and infirm, added that he himself is a father of seven children through Spiritual Adoption already, and the eighth child is currently on its way.  He remarked that saving the life of one unborn baby saves the parents from eternal damnation and also strengthens the physicians' position they take in regards to life.

Father Peter, declaring his prayers before the Icon at Jasna Gora, called on all the faithful to give their "FIAT FOR LIFE" in the presence of Our Blessed Mother.