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Our Lady left the Life Center in Vienna on Tuesday afternoon, on October 2nd, to visit the eastern state (Land) of Austria, called Burgenland.  She was greeted solemnly at 4:00 p.m. and brought inside the Cathedral of St. Martin in Eisenstadt by its pastor, Reverend Josef Prikoszovits, accompanied by Rev. Canon Ernst Pöschl and Reverend Hans Ullrich Möring, the bishop's master of ceremonies. 

Father H. Möring presided over the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist, representing Bishop Ägidius J. Zsifkovics – the ordinary of the Diocese of Eisenstadt.  The following Mass, at 6:00 p.m., in St. Martin's Cathedral was celebrated by the pastor, Reverend Josef Prikoszovits, concelebrated by Rev. Canon Ernst Pöschl.  The cathedral choir, under the direction of Thomas Dolezal, added splendor to the solemn celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Later that evening, Our Lady arrived at the parish in Oberwaltersdorf in Lower Austria, where She was welcomed by the pastor, Rev. Andreas Hornig.  The night was spent on veneration in the parish hall.  Early in the morning on October 3rd, after the Holy Eucharist, the Icon was transported to Tumau, where at 11:00 a.m. Our Lady was greeted by two Greek Catholic priests, Rev. Juri and Rev. Jurai, as well as the students from the International Theological Institute (ITI).  ITI was founded by Blessed John Paul II and educates about 70 students from various countries around the world.  It is known as an Ecclesiastical Theological Faculty for the study of Catholic theology as a unified whole, within which particular additional attention is devoted to the theme of marriage and the family.

At noon, at the castle church in Trumau, everyone participated in the solemn celebration of the Marian Mass, led by Rev. Canon Professor Larry Hogan.  The Icon of the Black Madonna was surrounded with utmost devotion and veneration throughout the night.  The students from the Greek Catholic community seemed to be delighted at Our Lady's presence the most.

On Thursday, October 4th, already very early in the morning, Our Blessed Mother was present at the Holy Mass in the neighboring Oberwaltersdorf.  Father Andreas Hornig noted that the visit of the Blessed Mother - Queen of Poland had a special significance for this town, because the SS officer Franz Kutschera, who was known as the "Executioner of Warsaw", was born here.  Dirlenwanger murdered brutally thousands of civilians in the Polish city of Warsaw during World War II.  Coming from Czestochowa to Oberwaltersdorf, Our Blessed Mother is bringing with Her healing and reconciliation, remarked the homilist.