headEuroazjaAm EN 8


Our Lady spent Tuesday morning in Chur, in the region of Graubünden, near the cathedral, in the chapel, where people came for veneration.  Here, canons were sung, and the Most Reverend Bishop Vitus Huonder – the Ordinary of the Diocese of Chur - had the opportunity to spend a few quiet moments in silent prayer before the Blessed Mother and Jesus.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Dominican nuns of the convent in Cazis warmly greeted the Mother of God with their beautiful singing.  They had prepared for Our Lady an excellent program interspersed with prayer, song and silence, creating a wonderful, warm atmosphere.

In the evening, with the intention of staying for the night, Our Lady went to the village Schitten (Albula) near Davos to the church of All Saints.  This village is located very high in the mountains.  The Holy Rosary was prayed first.  Fr. Stefan - from the newly founded monastery in Schitten - celebrated Mass at 7:00 pm.

Alexandra, the coordinator of the pilgrimage in Switzerland, said: Here, I met a man, whose petitions and prayers lifted up before the Mother of God were fulfilled.  He had asked the Mother of God that he and his son would be reconciled and were able to talk to each other again.  When I met this man in the church, I noticed that he was deeply moved by the presence of Our Blessed Mother.  He took my hand, glanced at me, but was unable to utter a single word.  The next day, I found out that when he returned home at night with a prayer in his heart, his son telephoned him.  Praise the Lord!  I must admit that the local people are very touched by the visit of their beloved Mother Mary.  A lot more people arrive at all the churches to meet Our Lady in the Icon, than the usual attendance at church.