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On Thursday, the 20th of December, at 5 PM the Mother of God arrived in Gijon in Asturia region. The town is located on the Biscay Bay, so on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. In this way Our Lady in Her pilgrimage in defence of life has already reached the second ocean, though the first stage of Her journey is not finished yet. She stopped in the Basilica of the Most Prescious Hear of Jesus, popularly called here “Iglesiona” (a big temple). Father D. Alvaro, the rector of the Basilica, did his best to make the visit appropriately solemn for the Immaculate Lady, particularly in Asturia, where Christians began their fight to expel the Moors from the Iberian Penninsula – the reconquista, which lasted from the 8th till the 15th century. Many people came to welcome the Mother of God. The Icon was carried into the basilica by the representatives of the unemployed, who are forced to beg for support in front of the church as they have lost all means of getting an income.

It was an emotional moment for them and they did it with real joy. After the welcoming ceremony there was the exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament, the Rosary in defence of life and family was said, and the Holy Eurcharist was celebrated by five priests.

The Icon stayed in the basilica in Gijon also throughout Friday, the 21st of December. Many people participated in the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament. In the evening The Holy Mass for the defence of human life was again celebrated by five priests. Around 500 people attended it. After the Mass there was a concert of Christmas carols. The Mother of God must have been moved when the best tenor singer of Asturia – Joaquin Pixan – was singing to honour her. He sang “The Silent Night” and “Ave Maria” by Shubert, and, as a welcome, they dedicate to Her the beautiful traditional Asturian song in honour on Our Lady of Covadonga – The Mother of God Queen of Asturia.