headEuroazjaAm EN 8




Still at night on the 9th of January, continuing Her pilgrimage in Catalonia, the Mother of God went 35 km. inland to the farming area of Sentmenat, in the diocese of Tarrasa, to visit the Colegio Corazon de Maria (The school of the Immaculate Heart of the Virging Mary), run by the Foundation of Father Piulachs.

In this Catholic school the day of January 10 started with saying the Matins at 5.30, so very early. Next three Holy Masses were celebrated at 7, 8,45 and 9.30 AM. The last one was attended by the students of the second class. All the homilies during the Holy Masses were devoted to the defence of life. The chapel where the Icon was placed all the time was visited by the students who came to pay homage to Her. The Mother of God stayed at the School of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary untill 6.30 PM, all the time surrounded by students.

In the evening of January 10 Our Lady in the Czestochowa Icon went to Sant Cugat to Colegio Pinar de Nuestra Senora (the School of Our Lady of Saragossa). There She met students all over Friday, January 11 and at 6PM returned to the Church of Miraculous Medal in Barcelona, where at 8PM the Holy Eucharist was celebrated to mark the end of the Black Madonna`s visit in Catalonia.