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Saturday evening, August 24 The Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, coming directly from the welcoming ceremony on the St. Clement island came to Baltimore. It is the largest city in the state of Maryland, bordering the Chesapeake Bay.

It was here in 1812 after winning the first naval battle with the British, a lawyer and a poet Francis Scott Key wrote a poem "The Star-Spangled Banner", which became the U.S. national anthem.

Meeting in Baltimore was organized by the multiethnic parish of the Holy Rosary, home also to a Polish ministry, led by the fathers of The Society of Christ (about 2.8% of the population declares Polish origin).

BaltCzestochowa icon was greeted on the water front of the Potapsco river. A lot of people came from all the parishes of the city, although the most numerous representation was of Poles. Bishop Denis Madden, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore presided the celebrations and gave the welcome address. Assisted by Fr. Peter West, vice president of Human Life International for missions and coordinator of the pilgrimage of the icon in America, Fr. Joseph Loaf - parish priest of the St. Bridget Church, Fr. Salvatore Furnari SAC - of the Italian Church, Fr. Michael Orchik - pastor of the Shrine of St.. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Priests of the Society of Christ, the hosts of the event. The music of a brass band led the solemn procession, there were about 1,000 participants. People with a sense of joy manifested their faith. Police closed the route for cars. Mother of God was assisted by a honor escort, which consisted of artists from the folk band "Homeland" in Polish national costumes.

Balt2Holy Rosary Church was beautifully decorated with flowers. The Icon was placed in the presbytery, next to the main altar. The local parish priest, Fr. Andrew Totzke SChr gave a welcome address . The Eucharist was presided and Sermon was delivered by Bishop Madden. Holy Mass wae celebrated in English and Polish. After the Eucharist, the parish priest led the Jasna Gora Appeal. Venerationuntil 23:00 was organized by the local youth groups.

It is worth reminding that the Holy Rosary Church in Baltimore is the Archdiocesan Shrine of the Divine Mercy, founded in the year of the beatification of Sister Faustina. The great devotee of the Divine Mercy, the then pastor, Fr. Ronald Pytel, October 5, 1995, he was miraculously healed from a serious heart disease. This case was considered as the basis for canonization. Sister Faustina.Balt3

The next day, during Sunday Masses in English Fr. Peter West gave the sermons, and during Mass in Polish Fr. Bogdan Molenda SChr. After each Eucharist "the act of entrustment" was recited.

Our Lady of Czestochowa visited Baltimore till, 4:00 PM. All the time there was continued veneration, because new people keep coming in. Farewell ceremony was led by the parish priest, Fr. Totzke. He recalled that the visit of Our Lady of Czestochowa is part of the joy of the Jubilee year of the ongoing 125th anniversary of the parish of The Holy Rosary in Baltimore. We believe that many graces during these hours came over everyone who stopped with faith and an open heart before the icon - he said.

Icon was solemnly escorted to the car, this time the American "Life Van". Mother of God in her pilgrimage in the United States went to Germantown, Maryland.