Holy Week, The Passover Triduum and Easter. Mother of God in Her Czestochowa Icon spent in Santo Domingo with the Carmelite Sisters in the Monastery of the Holy Mother of Jesus and St. Teresa of the Infant Jesus, surrounded by their love and fervent prayer.
The monastery was founded in Santo Domingo on February 21, 1998, which is already 19 years old. There are many new vocations.
So the sisters decided to expand and set up their next home, this time in Panama. They dreamed of getting a picture of Merciful Christ from the Sanctuary in Łagiewniki Cracow for the new chapel. They knew that Sister Faustina Kowalska, the great missionary of Divine Mercy, was Polish, and that Cracow for all in South America is associated with St. John Paul II. So their request was addressed to a friend Fr. Leon Juchniewicz, a Polish missionary who has been working in Ecuador for 30 years. It was a time of intense preparation for the beginning of the pilgrimage of Our Lady of Czestochowa in the diocese of Santo Domingo in Ecuador, which is coordinated by Fr. Leon. The request of the Carmelite Sisters was passed on to the international coordinators Ewa and Lech Kowalewski. In turn, they turned to Fr. Prelate Stanislaw Maślanka,
a friend from Zabierzow in the Archdiocese of Cracow, Church assistant to the Prayer Crusade in the Defense of the Conceived Children (Oldest pro life prayer movement in Poland). Fr. Stanislaw tried very hard to get such a picture for the Carmelite convent in Panama. He personally went to Łagiewnik, learned that such a picture, printed on canvas is available, so he order it in the sanctuary store. He bought it as a personal gift and passed it through the pilgrim coordinators to Ecuador. Sisters were very, very happy. the image with a lot of Ecuadorian prayer in the monastery has already now traveled to a new monastery in Panama.