headEuroazjaAm EN 8


From Sunday September 10 to Tuesday September 19 the Virgin of Czestochowa visited the parish community of Christ the King of New Israel. The main church of the Parish is 17 kilometers from the city of Santo Domingo, on the way to Chone (Manabi), with a population of about 6 thousand inhabitants.

Thanks to persistents of parishioners, the sacred image of Our Lady of Czestochowa was first received in the village of Avispachila, on the way from the neighboring parish of San Vicente del Bua. Avispachila, is a small village of few families and the priest is there once a month.

e11The whole parish showed sincere affection from Her arrival and until the day previous to the departure. Some groups of catechesis together with parents and children, took turns meditating and praying together the rosary in front of the Icon, which by its characteristics attracted the attention and devotion of the people.

"Since the intention of his pilgrimage was promotion of life and inviting the rejection of abortion, as a parish priest I was able to appreciate the presence of some mothers who normally are not very active in the parish life, who came to pray in front of the Icon", commented Fr. Carlos Armijos, parish priest of Cristo Rey.

Some apostolic groups, such as the Little Brothers of Mary, Movement John XXIII, catechists and a few families experienced moments of deep meditation together with "the virgin of the cut face", as one of the boys said.

Mary leaves, without a doubt, many personal and family callings. We hope that there will be several who, at the maternal impulse of the Mother of the Savior, become protectors and defenders of life, above any ideological shades.