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They set off at dawn. It was not yet so hot and a light mist covered the ocean and mountains surrounding Rio de Janeiro. Traveling through the world "From Ocean to Ocean" in defense of the civilization of life and love, the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa placed in a bus went to Corcovado - a mountain above Rio de Janeiro, on which a huge statue of Christ the Redeemer stretches its arms above the world.

They carried the Icon from the parking lot to the main platform to the feet of the statue. Delegated leaders participated, because not too many people can go to the top for safety reasons. On the way, they met the newlyweds and their guests, who got married at dawn in this extraordinary place. As if the Mother of God had once again been invited to a wedding in Cana of Galilee and asked: - "Do whatever He tells you to do!"

The mood of these moments was unique. From Corcovado there is an incredible view of Rio de Janeiro, a city of several million people, and the Atlantic Ocean. The fog began to lift and the view of this huge human anthill became clearer and clearer. Everyone there is aware of the fragility of human life and the deep need for the presence of Christ the Redeemer.


At the foot of the statue of Christ on Corcovado there is a tiny chapel with the Blessed Sacrament. The prayer meeting was therefore held in an open space on the eastern side, so that all those who came could participate in it. The rising sun cast the first rays of sunlight on the Icon of the Mother of God,

The main celebrant was Cardinal Orani João Tempesta O.Cist. Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro, who also delivered a commemorative speech, and Auxiliary Bishop Zdzisław Stanisław Błaszczyk – the main coordinator of this part of the pilgrimage of the Czestochowa Icon in Brazil.


Also present was Fr. Leon Juchniewicz, a Polish missionary working in Ecuador, who has been taking care of the traveling Czestochowa Icon for the past few years, including during the pandemic. The Act of Entrustment of the Protection of the Civilization of Life and Love to the Hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary was renewed.

One of the prayers was also recited in Polish.

The Icon of the Mother of God was briefly brought into a small chapel on a statue pedestal and placed next to the tabernacle, so that (as noted) "She could embrace her Son."


A video of the event can be viewed  HERE
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After the Icon was transported down to the city center, a procession was formed, which moved towards the enormous metropolitan cathedral of St. Sebastian, built in the style of a pyramid, which was filled with believers.

The Icon of the Mother of God was carried in turns by men dressed in white sweatshirts with the inscription POLAND and an eagle in a crown on a red background. Marian hymns were sung and the rosary was recited.

During the ceremonial transfer of the Icon to the cathedral, women showered the Icon with rose petals. The Black Madonna was also sung, partly in Polish. A special throne made of flowers was prepared for the Mother of God, truly impressive.

The mass was led and the sermon was delivered by Cardinal Tempesta, who touched on the subject of protecting the civilization of life and love as the foundation of the Christian attitude.


The whole thing was a strong incentive for the faithful to stand on the side of the civilization of life.

After the recent controversial elections, Brazil has become a country where citizens are deprived of the right to oppose the leftist decisions of the government. The Supreme Court can prohibit speaking out in defense of Christian or pro-life values, and even sentence someone to prison for it. The National Medical Federation accepts abortion up to the 22nd week of pregnancy, but the Supreme Court approved it up to birth. Congress is not strong enough to fight the culture of death, claims Dr. Talmir Rodrigues, - International Right to Life Federation. – “The situation is very difficult! We need Our Lady’s help very much,” he emphasizes.


Rio de Janeiro March 23, 2025




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