headEuroazjaAm EN 8


Our Lady in "Her" Life Mobile has arrived in Ostrava with great panache led by three motorcycles from Poland and also nine flagged vehicles.  In front of the parish church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ostrava, near the monastery of the Pauline Fathers, awaited several priests and numerous faithful with their families — the elderly, the young and children.  Excitement and joy was vivid on their faces. 

In order to carry the feretory with the Icon inside the church, the old, rarely used, church gate had to be opened.  The celebration of the Mass began, during which the Bishop's Vicar for Vocations, Father Adam Rucki, presided.   A group of young people sang during Mass.  At the end of the Mass, Father Wlodzimierz Ogorzalek, OSPPE from the Jasna Gora Shrine, the custodian of the peregrinating Icon "from Ocean to Ocean" addressed the gathered faithful.  He emphasized the unity of all the countries who receive the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa with the intention of the Defense of Life.  He also informed the faithful that this is the time of prayer for the Church in the Czech Republic and assured of such prayers flowing from Jasna Gora, as well as of many sympathetic hearts.  Radim Uchac,  from the Czech pro-life movement, who is the coordinator of the peregrinating Icon of Czestochowa for the Czech Republic, also addressed some words to those gathered at the event.  And finally, some words about the meaning of this peregrination and past events related to it were addressed by Ewa Kowalewska, the European coordinator of the peregrination.

The faithful had begun individual prayers, approaching the Icon together with their children, and helping the elderly and the disabled.  The Sisters of Mercy of Mother Teresa of Calcutta stood out among the gathered faithful, along with a large group of those in their care.

In the afternoon, at 17:00 hours (5:00 pm), a solemn Mass was celebrated under the direction of Bishop František Vaclav Lobkovic and the Act of Entrustment of the Protection of the Civilization of Life and Love to Our Lady was renewed by those present.