headEuroazjaAm EN 8


Together with their bishop mons. Valter Župan, the faithful of the Dioceses of Krk filled the city square Kamplin, adjacent to the cathedral, in order to welcome Our Lady in the Icon of Czestochowa. Following the reception on the square in the long procession the Icon was taken into Krk's cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary. The Icon was put on a specially arranged table that had a kneeler in front of it.

The explanations of the peregrination and the Icon were given to the the faithful and the Rosary was prayed.

The Eucharistic celabration that followed was led by bishop Župan, the President of the Council for Life and Family of the Croatian Bishops' Conference. In homily he pointed out that XX. century was a great attack on life. He mentioned numerous victims in the wars both local and global. Unfortunatelly, he said, another evil, killing of unborn children, is continuing even today. However, he invited the faithful that we should lean on the Scriptures and hear the voice of Blessed pope John Paul II. who said that the victory of good will come only by Mary. That's the reason why so many faithful willingly contributied to chain of prayers in this peregrination. Bishop reminded on pope Benedict's XVI. appeal to Virgin Mary in Fatima to hurry up the announced triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

The doors of the cathedral remained open until 10 p.m. for faithful to approach the Icon and venerate Our Lady praying for civilisation of love and life but also for their personal needs.

Peter Kasimir Hodzič