headEuroazjaAm EN 8


The fanfares of Jasna Gora bid the Black Madonna a solemn and loud farewell, as She was leaving the hall of the Niederösterreich (Lower Austria) Castle, where the VI World Prayer for Life Congress took place, and was heading for the Church of Our Lady of Victory in Vienna.  It was the evening of the 6th of October – the Eve of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

October 7th marks the anniversary of the Sea Battle of Lepanto in 1571 – a great victory for the Christian armies of the "Holy League," who rose to battle at the appeal of Pope Pius V to defend the Christian Europe that was in great danger from the overwhelming Islamic forces of the Ottoman Empire.  The Victory at Lepanto and the preventing of the Islamic attack on Europe is considered a miracle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, thanks to the Rosary prayer.  The Holy Father Pius V announced this day to be the Feast of Our Lady of Victory.  Currently, at the decision of the successive popes, October 7th is celebrated as the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

The Parish of Our Lady of Victory in Vienna celebrates its titular saint on October 7th, gaining a plenary indulgence for the faithful on this day.  The visit of the Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa, precisely at this time, was being described as a particular sign of Our Lady's love - even more so, as October 7th fell on a Sunday this year.

All the participants of the World Congress of Prayer for Life accompanied Our Blessed Mother on the way to the Church of Our Lady of Victory.  Here, the Liturgy of the Holy Eucharist was celebrated by His Excellency, Bishop Dr. Elmar Fischer of the Diocese of Feldkirch, with sixteen concelebrating priests.  This Holy Mass became, simultaneously, the culmination and the conclusion of the congress.  The solemnity was enhanced by the parish choir, accompanied by the church orchestra.  In closing, Bishop Fischer, together with the concelebrating priests, and in union with all the faithful, gathered in prayer on this special day, entrusted the protection of the civilization of life and love to Our Blessed Mother Mary, and recited the prayer of Blessed John Paul II from the Encyclical "Evangelium Vitae."