“Expreso” newspaper of national circulation in Ecuador publishes the news of the pilgrimage of Our Lady of Czestochowa Icon in the “initiative called ‘From Ocean to Ocean’ and whose purpose is to defend life and family.”

On Tuesday, very early in the morning, before the 8:00 am Mass, the Pilgrim Icon arrived at the Parish of Santa Teresita. Here She was received by the Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament who welcomed Our Mother with a street of rose petals and escorted Her to the side of the main altar, where they adorned Her with flowers and tablecloth.

But I think it is the first time that Mary has joined her children in a house to pray for a particular intention.

On Wednesday, September 4, the Pilgrim Icon arrived at the Mary Mother of the Church Parish.
On Thursday night, after Mass, the Pilgrimage coordinator in Guayaquil made an explanatory talk about the importance of the Icon and the reason for its arrival in the country, inviting those present to ask Our Mother for the women who are thinking of abortion,

The Pilgrim Icon of Czestochowa arrived on the last day of August at the St. Josemaria Escriva Rectoral Church, and stayed there until September 4.
Because it was Saturday, it was more than an evening mass - it was a Sunday liturgy Mass and two weddings were scheduled, so the church was adorned with beautiful white flowers.
- The Icon of Our Lady visits the Cathedral of Guayaquil
- Our Lady in the Home of Mother
- Feast of Our Lady of Czestochowa
- A temple promised to the Virgin of Czestochowa
- Our Lady visits the students of the Holy Spirit school
- First parish in Guayaquil
- First visit in Guayaquil
- The Pilgrim Icon ends Her visit in Panama
- Visit of Our Lady of Czestochowa to the Barefoot Carmelites in Panama
- The pilgrimage of the Mother of Heaven continues