137 days + 2,000,000 people + 30,000 km

Spain is ready for the visit of Our Lady of Czestochowa
Time has come for the transfer of the pilgrim icon of Our
Spain welcomes the Mother of God
The Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa is now in Spain, spreading graces wherever She goes. The arrival of the Icon in Spain was a moving moment; it was a fine day, in contrast to the cold and rain of the previous day. The
Our Lady in the Basque Country - Bilbao

The following morning, Sunday December 16, another farewell Mass was celebrated at Irun, and the Pro-Vida party from the neighbouring Diocese of Bilbao took charge of the Icon.
The Icon of Our Lady of
Santander Diocese – Cantabria Region

The Pro-Vida group from Santander Diocese (Cantabria region) described the scene as they reached the city of Santander: “The arrival of the Blessed Virgin’s Icon at Santander was a momentous occasion. Hundreds of
Torreánaz - A school run by the Daughters of Saint Mary of the Heart of Jesus
The Icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa arrived at Torreánaz School at about 10 p.m., and was greeted with a candle-lit procession formed by boarding pupils and the Community of the Hijas de Santa María del Corazón de
Santander - again - Church of the Annunciation
On its return to Santander, the “Life-Mobile”, with flags flying in spite of rain, drove around the streets so that people could see the Icon before it was taken to La Anunciación. Also popularly known among the
Torrelavega: At the Disclaced Carmelite Convent of St. Luis and St. Fernando.

The “Life-Mobile” with the Icon took the road to Torrelavega, an industrial city to the southwest, and there drove round the streets on the way to the Discalced Carmelite Convent of San Luis y San Fernando (St. Louis and St. Ferdinand).
On the Coast of the Bay of Biscay in Gijon – Asturia

On Thursday, the 20th of December, at 5 PM the Mother of God arrived in Gijon in Asturia region. The town is located on the Biscay Bay, so on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. In this way Our Lady in Her pilgrimage in
With Our Lady of Covadonga, Patroness of Asturias

On Saturday, December 22, the pilgrimage to the famous Marian shrine of Covadonga began. The Pilgrims met in the Romanesque church Cangas de Onis, where the Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa was brought. This was a
Aviles – the next stage of the tour of Asturia

In the afternoon on the 22nd of December Our Lady of Częstochowa arrived in Aviles. In front of the church of St Thomas of Canterbury She was greeted by Father Jose Antonio Montoto, a member of the pro life movement.
Christmas in Oviedo

On Sunday afternoon, at 5.15 PM, the Częstochowa Icon, peregrinating „From Ocean to Ocean” in defence of life, arrived at the capital of Asturia region – Oviedo, which is also the seat of the Archdiocese of Oviedo. The
Oleiros, Santa Cruz de Laniz - In Spanish Galicia

On Wednesday, the 26th of December, Our Lady left Oviedo and travelled almost 300 km. to the town of Santa Gruz de Laniz in Coruna province. The region forms the autonomous community called Galicia. There are two
The Feast of Holy Innocents in Santiago de Compostella

On the 28th of December, on the feast of Holy Innocents, at 11AM the Mother of God peregrinating in Her Częstochowa Icon arrived in Santiago de Compostella, the capital of Galicia, located on the Western part of the Cantabria Mountains.
With the Norbertine Sisters in Toro

On Saturday evening, December 29, at 6PM, the Mother of God came to the town of Toro in Zamora region in the autonomous community of Castille and St.Leon. She was welcomed by the Norbertine Sisters, the Canonics, from
Valladolid – The New Year Day at the National Shrine of the Most Prescious Heart of Jesus, Our Lord

On Sunday, the 30th of December Our Lady of Częstochowa came to the retreat house at the National Shrine of the Most Prescious Heart of Jesus, Our Lord in the capital of the autonomous community of Castille and Leon –
The Angelus in front of a hospital In Logrono – the capital of the autonomous community and region of La Roja.

On Thursday, the 3rd of January, at 3 PM., the Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa in Her Life Mobil arrived in Burgos, where a new group took over the care of the Mother of God during Her pilgrimage in Spain. This time
Two bishops and four convents in Huesca

On Friday evening, the 4th of January, bishop Julian Ruiz Martorell awaited Our Lady of Częstochowa in front of the cathedral of Santa Maria (the Holy Mary) in Huesca in Aragon. This city saw the birth of St martyr
The Feast of Epiphany In Torreciudad – the famous Marian shrine of Opus Dei
On the feast of Epiphany Our Lady in Her Częstochowa Icon arrived in the famous Marian shrine of Torreciudad in Aragon, the region of Ribagorza, near the town of Barbastro. It is situated at a particularly picturesque
The day full of excitement: Tamarite de Litera, Lleida and via Blanes to Barcelona.

On the 7th of January early in the morning at 7.30, the pro lifers from the town of Lerida-Lleida left for the shrine of Torreciudad to take over the care of the peregrinating Icon of the Mother of God. It was
In Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia

Late in the evening on the 7th of January the Mother of God arrived in Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, the second largest city in Spain. The Częstochowa Icon was welcomed and carried into Iglesia Medalla Milagrosa
Sentmenat - at a school named after the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary
Still at night on the 9th of January, continuing Her pilgrimage in Catalonia, the Mother of God
On theTibidabo Mountain

In the evening on Friday, the tenth of January, the Częstochowa Icon came to the school of Colegio del Rincon de Nuestra Senora in Prado, in the town of San Cugat del Valles which has 80 thousand inhabitants. It
At the foot of the column of Our Lady of the Pillar in Saragossa

On Saturday, January 12, the members of the pro-life movement from Saragossa (Spanish Zaragoza) came to the convent of the Carmelite Sisters In Igualada-Jorba to take over the care of the Częstochowa Icon and take Her to their city 300 kilometres away.
In Santa Maria Cathedral In Teruel

In the middle of the night on January 12 Our Lady in Her Częstochowa Icon arrived in the town of Teruel in Aragon, the capital of the region, after the journey full of adventure due to very bad weather. Strong wind was
Our Lady of Częstochowa invites to Majorca and Ibiza

The Visit in Castellón de la Plana
It was already at night, at 9.30 PM on Sunday, January 13,when Our Lady of Częstochowa in Her Icon reached Castelon de la Plana, the provincial capital on the Mediterranean Sea in the autonomous community of Valencia.
The Visit In Valencia

In the afternoon, on Monday, January 14, the Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa arrived in Valencia on the Turia river on the coast of the Mediteranean Sea.
On the way to the city the Mother of God stopped at the
Our Lady of Częstochowa arrives in Majorca

On Wednesday, January 16, around 6 o`clock early in the morning, The Mother of God In Her Częstochowa Icon, came by ferry to Palama, the capital of Majorca (Spanish Palma de Mallorca).
By Ship to Ibiza – The Black Madonna continues Her visit in the Balearic Islands

On Thursday, January 17, at 10 AM the peregrinating Częstochowa Icon boarded a ferry going from Majorca to Ibiza, the next famous island in the Balearic Archipelago. The journey seemed short and nobody expected any problems.
DENIA: AT the school of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Lord.

The journey by ferry from Ibisa to Denia took the whole night and the morning. The Mother of God in Her Częstochowa Icon was brought to the port at 1.30 PM and the Life Mobile left the ferry and went to the Catholic

In the morning of the 18th of January the Mother of God came by ferry from the Balearic Islands to the port of Denia and next was driven to Alicante. The first stop of the visit in the town was the Catholic School of
With Bells Ringing in Novelda

On Saturday evening, January 19, at 6.30PM, Our Lady of Częstochowa arrived in the Spanish town of Novelda, which is located about 30 kms from the city of Alicante, the capital of the province. The arrival of the Mother
VILLANUEVA DE LA JARA - Faithful to Chrust and His Mother

Almost at midnight, but still on Saturday, January 19, The Mother of God in Her Life Mobile came to Villanueva de la Jara in the province of Cuenca.
Two Black Madonnas in Cuenca
Already after dark but still on Sunday, January 20, at 8 PM the Black Madonna of Częstochowa arrived in the town of Cuenca in the region of Kastylia-La Mancha. This beautiful old town is located on a mountain over a
Quintanar del Rey – on the way from Cuenca to Abacete

In the morning on Monday, January 21, the Częstochowa Icon was carried from the convent of
The visit in Albacete

Having covered 45 kilometres from Quintanar del Rey to Albacete on Tuesday evening, January 22, at 7.00PM Our Lady of Częstochowa stopped in front of the cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Albacete, the capital of a
At the relics of the Holy Cross in Caravaca de la Cruz

On Thursday, January 24, the Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa left Albacete as early as 6.00 AM with another group of pro-lifers from the Diocese of Cartagena in Murcia. This is a famous pilgrimage town, having had a
Lorca - a town affected by an earthquake

The Mother of God continued Her journey to Lorca in the Murcia Region. The next group of pro-lifers took over the care of Her. The town of Lorca has around 80 thousand inhabitants. Only three years ago it was strongly
In the Basilica of the Sorrowful Mother of God in Grenada

Late in the evening on the 24th of January at 7.00 PM the Black Madonna arrived in Grenada in the next autonomous community of Spain - Andalusia. The city is famous due to the fact that in 1492 it was taken over by the
On the Sun Coast in Malaga

On Friday, January 25, the Mother of God visited the Spanish city of Malaga on Costa del Sol (the Sun Coast). It was a very sunny, warm day. A group of pro-lifers went with the Icon along the main streets of the town.
Already on the ocean coast in Cadiz

On the 26th of January the Black Madonna reached the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Cadiz. During this pilgrimage it was not for the first time that She came to the ocean coast, although it was not the last leg of the
In San Fernando and Chicklana in the Diocese of Cadiz

On Sunday, January 27, Our Lady In Her Częstochowa Icon went to San Fernando y Chiclana de la Frontera, 10 kms away. She had been awaited there since 5 PM. During the welcoming ceremony a woman gave her testimony of her
In Benalup-Casas Viejas and Algeciras y La Linea de la Concepcion

On Tuesday, January 29, the Częstochowa Icon was carried in a procession through the streets of Benalup-Casas Viejas, from the chapel of El Tajo to the church of Nuestra Señora del Socorro (the Most Holy Virgin Mary of
Our Lady of Częstochowa in Africa - Ceuta

In the afternoon on Friday, February 1, Spanish pro-lifers from the Diocese of Cadiz carried the Częstochowa Icon onto a ship to cross the Gibraltar Strait and reach Spanish Ceuta. The journey lasted one hour.
The Feast of The Presentation of the Lord in the Diocese of Jerez de la Frontera

In the evening on Saturday, February 2, the next group of pro-lifers, this time from the dicese of Berez de la Frontera, took over the care of the Icon of Our Lady of Częstochowa. At 5 PM they reached the capital of the
In the archdiocese of Seville – Mairena del Alcor

On Monday, February 4, having said farewell to Jerez de la Frontera and all Andalusia, the Black Madonna visited the town of Mairena del Alcor, in the province of Seville. It is here where the strongest and most active
In the center of Seville – the capital of West Andalusia

On Tuesday, February 5th, Our Lady of Czestochowa in Her pilgrimage across the world in defense of life arrived in the biggest city of Andalusia – Seville. First there was a short stop at a school run by the Salesian Order, to prepare for the solemn entrance to the center of the city.
On the river Gwadalkiwir in Cordoba

The Mother of God reached Cordoba late at night of Tuesday/Wednesday (5/6 of February). The departure from Seville was a little delayed and took place as late as 10 PM.
Cordoba is an important historical city,
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